
A Word…

January started out like a rocket. It’s hard to even fathom February already. This year feels so different. For me it began the last week of December. I was ready to get going with 2015, Monday, December 29th. I remember thinking, “Shoot… I still have to get through one more holiday!” and now we’ve finished the first month.

This year, for the first time, I’ve set my intention for 2015 with a word. It is my desire to explore this within the context of this newsletter. I’m going to share ideas and inspiring images that communicate Simplicity, Beauty, and Life. It is also my wish to be Vulnerable and Authentic. I hope you will join me in this exploration! I’ve started in Instagram and Facebook by creating the hashtags #whyilovebeingadesigner and #throughdesignereyes as well as #expression2015. Please join me in this exploration.

In my exploration for determining my word for 2015, I wrote this on New Year’s Day: “Spent some time over the last few days really assessing what I want in 2015. I want to live fully. To be fully alive! I want to engage with people and experience everything I can. I want to have relationships with people. Partnering in relationship… all forms of relationships. For me this means to be fully engaged with people. To meet them more than half-way. No more of my usual sitting on the sidelines waiting to be included.

“I want to live my life to the fullest. I don’t believe that I have been doing this for years. Instead I’ve been hiding. Now, I’m ready. I want to feel that I matter. That I deserve to take up space. I want to honor and feel my feelings as they come up. I want to express them in the moment. I want to be a good friend and partner in all kinds of relationships. I want to face my fears with courage. I want to be more visible. I want to be more alive!”

My word for 2015 is EXPRESSION!

I’d love to connect with you! Feel free to send me your thoughts and comments.

More than a Word…

Not only do I have a new focus for 2015, I have a new way of working with my clients. After 30+ years working in design—from major brand roll outs to working at one of the industry-leading design publications—I know just where my particular area of brilliance lies: helping you sift through the overwhelm of visual inspiration and detritus to reveal the identity that exactly reflects you and your business. The first step is to uncover the Essence of your Brand through my Muse Board™ process. Intrigued? Stay tuned to learn more about how to work with me to uncover your unique vision and identity for your business.

With love and beauty,


(The image above is from a wine bar in Napa. The colors and the reflections… I couldn’t resist!)