Hello, I’m Stephanie
I love beauty…
and nature and baby animals. In true Taurus fashion, I appreciate the right amount of refined elegance.
New things and adventures don’t scare me. I am willing to give almost anything a go.
I inspire people to SEE.
To see their dreams, their goals, their purpose. I help them remember.
I am a creative consultant, designer, entrepreneur.
I value Love. When it is all said and done, the only thing that matters is love. As I helped my mom transition through the final stages of her death, all she ever spoke of was love. I saw it transform her and it changed me forever.
I value Creativity. Everyone of us is creative. It is how we are wired as humans. Creativity is the core of what motivates us to get things accomplished. It’s how we function. Creativity is an ever-flowing source of energy and power that motivates us, moves us, gives us purpose. We are all creative!

photo credit Karianne Munstedt
I value Honesty. Truth. I value this in conversations, relationships and even building materials. I love the honest look of raw concrete and rusty metals. Interesting how it translates into all areas of my life.
I value Beauty. There is beauty everywhere. When I feel overwhelm, tired or melancholy, I take myself outside and notice beauty. It’s not hard to find in nature. It’s in new spring buds and wild flowers. It’s in the decay of autumn leaves blanketing the ground. Nature takes my breath away!
I believe in Simplicity. I think simplicity can be deceiving. Simplicity and Easy are not synonymous. Simplicity is powerful. It captures our attention and makes us lean in.
I value Community. Bringing together diverse interests and desires. The collective experience. It is so vital for our human experience to be witnessed by our community and peers.
I value the Environment. We are caretakers of this planet. Mother earth, all animals, the oceans, and our children depend on awareness and consciousness for the choices we make and how we live.
Even as a young child, Stephanie Steyer had a discerning awareness of beauty. From the variant colors within a single leaf to the ever-changing shapes of clouds, nature and beauty captivate her. This passion led her to graphic design. Through 38 years of working with clients, she has honed her design ability to notice intricate details, rhythms and patterns. Things do not escape her. Ask her children!
Stephanie is the creator of the Muse Method and Muse Boards®, a way to capture the essence and soul of her clients. Her clients feel seen, understood, inspired, and grounded. Stephanie resides with her two dogs on three acres in Northern California. To relax she loves to hike, cook, garden, knit and paint. And of course, play as often as possible with her two amazing grandchildren who named her YayYay.

photo credit Alyssa Keys