by Stephanie Steyer | Mar 22, 2019 | Creative Inspiration, Design Inspiration, Muse Boards, Muse Method, Rituals
God. Spirit. Energy. Universe. Source. Divine Mother. Shim. Mother Nature. However you define God for yourself, where do you feel its presence? In meditation? In conversation? Speaking through your intuition? There are so many different and personal ways to feel God...
by Stephanie Steyer | Oct 3, 2018 | Collective Beauty, Creative Inspiration, Design Inspiration, Found Beauty, Muse Method, Newsletters, Simplicity
Last weekend, I had a beautiful, wonderful time at SparkPortland in the company of some amazing women. We listened. We showed up. We inspired. We spoke our deepest secrets and we were heard. We were human with each other. We danced. We witnessed each other. I am still...
by Stephanie Steyer | Sep 17, 2018 | Collective Beauty, Creative Inspiration, Design Inspiration, Found Beauty, Muse Boards, Muse Method, Newsletters, Simplicity
When I set out on my home-buying journey, I said aloud many times: I want someone to buy my home who appreciates all the love and care to the things I’ve done, and I want that in return. And I got it! I found my house. Plus, it’s in the coastal mountains...
by Stephanie Steyer | Sep 3, 2018 | Collective Beauty, Creative Inspiration, Design Inspiration, Muse Method, Newsletters, Simplicity
Why do we fear creativity? Everyone is a creative being. Creativity is central to how we function in the world. You do not have to be an artist to be creative; you only need to be open to the creative flow. But fear blocks that flow. It’s similar to resistors in...
by Stephanie Steyer | Aug 21, 2018 | Collective Beauty, Creative Inspiration, Design Inspiration, Found Beauty, Muse Boards, Muse Method, Newsletters, Simplicity
Sometimes the universe shouts something so loudly, you just can’t ignore it. Two weeks ago, I broke my finger. To be more specific, I chipped and fractured the bone right above the middle knuckle of the middle finger on my left hand. I’ve never broken a bone...
by Stephanie Steyer | Aug 12, 2018 | Collective Beauty, Creative Inspiration, Design Inspiration, Found Beauty, Muse Method, Newsletters, Simplicity
She let herself go. She let her self go. She let her self go! Such a statement, right? It can be interpreted in so many ways. Of course, the sentiment usually refers to women “relaxing” about their body image when they age or after they get married. It may imply we...