You’re working with a great client and after a few sessions they get on a call with you and they seem to have forgotten their big WHY.
Or FEAR creeps in and they have lost trust in themselves.
Or you’ll be making great progress, seeing big breakthroughs, and all of a sudden they stall out.
You, as their coach, need to bring them back to ground, get them resettled and help them to see their purpose again. And even when you do this one time it may happen repeatedly!
How much time are you losing with each client in a cycle like this? Time that could be spent helping them gain fast traction instead?
Wouldn’t it be great to offer your clients a visual form of their why? Provide them with a gift of a visual reminder that will guide them and keep them focused on their intention in the time in between their ultra-productive sessions with you?
I’m Stephanie Steyer and as an intuitive graphic designer, my super power is that I can see people’s essence. I bring that through in my clients brands and visual graphics, and I have created a process that allows our soul essence to reveal itself, magically. I have developed several ways of working with my clients and the Magical Manifesting Muse Boards™ are an extension of this work.
What is your Soul whispering to you?
So in order to remember my hopes and dreams, I’ve created a visual reminder that INSTANTLY helps me connect back to my intentions.
Looking at the images I selected to represent my WHY transports me directly into the feeling, inspiration, and energy behind it.
When you remember your WHY it keeps you motivated. It keeps you moving forward and focused.
This leads to deeper relationships, more abundance in your life, and staying strong when you may be tempted to give up.
Plus… there is so much Power in having your Intentions witnessed. Magic is in support!
a Magical Manifesting Muse Board™.
- A beautiful Welcome Gift for your clients—setting the INTENTIONS for your work together.
- Ground in the growth they receive from a RETREAT or an INTIMATE EVENT so they can carry your work forward with them with ease.
- Use as a tool to INTEGRATE the experience they have with you once they “leave the nest”.
- A VIP day gift—A visual representation of their experience with you.
- A Time-line that VISUALLY chronicles your clients’ growth and transformation.
- A Good-bye Touch Point gift for sending them on their own journey.
- A tool for building SELF TRUST that doesn’t lie.
(And YES, you’ll get one for yourself too!)
The process enhances and complements your coaching perfectly by infusing a beautiful intention-setting ritual into the transformative work you do together.
And the value the Magical Manifesting Muse Board™ adds to each client relationship is worth at least 10 times the investment you make in it, which gives you an outstanding opportunity to raise your rates, if you’d like!
I’ve created a special package for coaches working with multiple clients at a time so each person you serve can have access to this process as a special gift from you.
I’m also offering an option that includes in-person facilitation of the intention-setting process at your event or retreat. (It’s a great break from the usual retreat agenda and LOTS OF FUN!)
The Magical Manifesting Muse Board™ is the missing link to creating consistency in your clients results, and generating all new retention potential for YOU.
Serve your clients at a HIGHER LEVEL. Contact me to book your package now.
What’s involved:
- Once you purchase the Magical Manifesting Muse Board™, you will receive instructions guiding you how to select images through Pinterest.
- Select as many images as you like and then send me an invitation to view your Pinterest board.
- I will view your images, and with your intention in mind, I will intuitively create a Magical Manifesting Muse Board™ using the images from your Soul Expression.
What you will receive:
- A Magical Manifesting Muse Board™ will come to you first in an electronic version.
- Your board will be printed, mounted and sent it to you in a special box to honor the sacredness of you and this process.
- After you receive your board in the mail, you may schedule a 30 minute follow-up call with me.
Create your Magical Manifesting Muse Board Now!
Just $349.00
We may never know HOW she does it. But we do know that with her Muse Boards, Stephanie offers something unique and powerful. She turns the ordinary into the extraordinary. Stephanie is guided by her deep passion for empowering heart-led business owners by translating their personal and business energetics into something visible while using a truly gifted and brilliant design sense. My Muse Board, and all the other Muse Boards I have seen, are proof.
My Muse Board now hangs above my desk where I can gaze at it every day. It’s the gift that continues to give. I turn to it when I need to re-connect to my purpose. It helps me remember my stories, memories, and dreams. It’s an ever-fascinating version of me — the story of my values, core beliefs, and essence. And like any good story, I can return to read it again and again, mining it for more understanding, and more nuance. Sometimes when I stand in front of it and ask important questions, I find my answers reflected back at me.
…Thanks to Stephanie’s loving and insightful touch, I can see and feel myself and my purpose so clearly there, and so, my Muse Board has become a significant touchstone for me and my work in the world.
My Muse Board is my touchstone. I keep it where I can look at it every day, and it guides me in everything from my graphic design, to what I write in my newsletter and even the clothes I wear. Working with Stephanie is one of the most important investments I’ve ever made.
Create your Magical Manifesting Muse Board Now!
Just $349.00