I didn’t intend to stay away so long, but so much has been happening! The biggest news is that my brand new website is almost ready to be revealed. I am going back to simply using my name and it feels great! Look for my announcement in about another week. Simply Gorgeous Life will be the name of this newsletter/blog, so it will still be a part of my brand. (If you poke around on the site from this link, please excuse the mess!)

Re-naming and re-branding yourself is not easy. It is not something that any one should do haphazardly. It takes time, planning and lots of thought and patience. Having the right people to help you is vital. I can’t imagine having to do this by myself.

The most exciting news is in the past few weeks I have created a new way to work with me. I’ve had so many requests from people over the years wondering if there was a way to have a Muse Board™ done that was more personal, not just around branding. So, I made this informal video to let you know what I’ve got in store for you!


Magical Manifesting Muse Board™

Soul Musings…
What is your Soul whispering to you?

My Muse Board™ process has helped dozens of heart-centered entrepreneurs connect with their soul essence, and from that process we create brands that are in alignment with who they are on an energetic level.

It’s a bit like Magic!

Now, for a limited time, I am offering a Magical Manifesting Muse Board™ process. This will be a bite-size bit of Magic to help you with a specific aspiration or intention.

A bit of back story: I’m currently getting ready to move to a different city hundreds of miles from my current home. I have my house for sale. I have a plan and a vision, but right now I’m waiting. I have to wait for my house to sell. The right person needs to see it. Until that happens, I have a tendency to think too much. To try and make things happen.

Being a designer my natural instinct is to solve problems. The thing that derails me is that I think I have to keep doing and creating movement. And it isn’t always a forward movement! After a few weeks of having the house on the market, I started coming up with alternative ideas to moving. I found myself spinning in my head. It wasn’t pretty.

It took me a several days and a few conversations with some good friends before I figured out what was going on. I need to be in this space of uncertainty for a while. It’s okay. It’s Divinely perfect.

A dear friend asked me a simple question: Had my WHY changed around moving? I knew instantly, it hadn’t.

I had just forgotten.

I decided to create a little Muse Board™ for myself to visually remind me of my WHY. And the most amazing thing happened…

I remember.

Every time I look at it I feel a sense of Peace. I can feel my energy drop down into my body and I feel grounded.

I have in a visual form of my WHY.

It is a Sacred Musing of my Soul.


I want to share this experience with you.

Do you need Clarity in your life around something specific?

Would you love a Visual bit of Magic that instantly reminds you of your intention?

How would it feel to have a sense of Peace and Joy that comes when you look at YOUR personal Magical Manifesting Muse Board™?

Click here to get started. It contains all the information you need to begin. I so look forward to helping you create some Magic in your life!