I am so excited to create this Magical Muse Board™ with you. Over the years I have witnessed some beautiful and powerful transformations through the Muse Board™ process.
The most important thing for you to do is to Relax and Trust.
Light a candle. Put on some great music. Make yourself a favorite beverage. Set up your space and your intention for this time as Sacred Creative Space. A time just for you.
To begin, spend a few minutes focusing on YOUR intention for your Magical Muse Board™. You might ask yourself questions similar to these:
- What am I ready to welcome into my life?
- How do I want to move forward with my business?
- How can I bring more love into my life?
- What is my WHY around _________?
- How do I want to feel in my life?
- How can I have more fun?
- What is my secret dream?
These are just a few suggestions to get your creative juices flowing.
Make this your own.
Write it down.
Declare your intention to the Universe.
Sometimes it helps to think about how something feels. For example, your intention may be something like: “Seeing a Bigger Version of Me in the World”. Then how might you find pictures for this? I like to think about how it would feel. What does a bigger version of me feel like? Maybe it’s strong. Maybe it’s expansive or courageous. These are just a few examples.
But if you write down some feelings and then find pictures that represent those feelings, that helps to get the creativity flowing.
The next step is fun! Within Pinterest create a new board that is just for your Magical Muse Board™, title your Pinterest board with your intention, and begin selecting images. It’s very important to not over analyze as you chose your photos. If something catches your eye, pin it. Whatever captures your attention, pin it and don’t edit.
You can search for images through key words such as: trees, lions, cliffs, seashores, waterfalls, storm clouds, children, beautiful bathrooms, fashion, flowers, etc. You get the idea. Also, don’t feel obligated to write a note or comment under each pin. Let the creativity flow unheeded.
Remember, don’t over-think the images. Just go with your gut response. Whether it takes you a short burst of time or a longer stretch to put it all together, it doesn’t matter. Do what feels comfortable and natural for you. And most importantly… have fun!
When you have all your images selected through Pinterest, send me an email here: Magical Muse Board Ready! to let me know that you’re ready. If your board is secret, you will need to invite me to view it.
Once I have the images I will spend some time looking them over. I’ll create the board within a few days. While I’m working with your images, words come to me intuitively which I will share them with you. You will receive a digital version via email, and a printed 8” diameter poster to keep.
I look forward to creating this Sacred Soul Musing with you! Thank you for your trust in me. I honor you for taking this special opportunity for yourself and your life.
From my heart to your’s,