
With the time change this past week and the cooler weather finally upon us, it’s easy to pay attention to the seasons. Fall is one of my favorite times of year. I so enjoy the cooler days and the leaves changing colors. Where I live in Northern California we see a lot of Fall color… maybe not as bold as New England, but our color lasts for weeks! I always pause and admire the changing trees and how some of them start out with just a few yellow leaves and then slowly over many days, they will transform into a mixture of greens, yellows, golds, and reds. Such a lovely palette! I get tremendous inspiration from nature.

The photo I selected for you today was taken a couple of years ago on Madeleine Island, Wisconsin, along the shore of Lake Superior. I was visiting my dear friend at the beginning of October and the leaves that year were slow to change. The colors of the rocks as they washed ashore were so amazing. I hope you enjoy. Happy Fall!

With love and beauty,